Wix will automatically send you the epub file that you can use on most devices! Here are some helpful how to's if you get stuck.
Send to your Kindle
Easily send your new ebook to your Kindle! Just use Amazon's "Send to Kindle" feature. Here's Amazon's how to.
Read on iPhone or Mac
If you use an iPhone or a Mac, your ebooks should open automatically in the "Books" app, and sync across your devices.
Read on Android
If you have an Android device, you can open the book file by downloading the Book Play app from the Google Play Store.
Read on PC
Windows 10 no longer comes with a built-in e-reader, so you will need to download an application to read your book file on a PC. This article is super helpful.
Send to Kobo reader
It's super easy to transfer your .epub file to your Kobo reader! Simply plug in your Kobo reader to your computer with USB, and then drag and drop the .epub file to the Kobo reader folder.
Jumping The Shark - eBook
This is what I have been training for. Finding my mate after months of practising the art of wooing the human who is scientifically best suited for me. I am too old to feel this nervous about meeting her in person for the first time, but that won’t stop me. Now when she wakes up, I just have to convince her we are meant to be. Will she still accept me after taking her away from Earth?
The worst way to start a date? Show up late. The best way to end it? Alien Abduction. After a RomCom worthy first date, I never expected it to take an out of this world turn. When a hot giant shark man who owns his own home on a tropical planet wants to spoil me, who am I to say no? Now if only I can get him to accept his retirement so I can spoil him back.
First Date Abductions is a low stakes, high heat alien romance series that focuses on plus size and LGBTQ+ leadsSophie (@dextrose.png)